Italy, Greece and Spain provide 70% of global
sales of olive oil and 60% of consumption. According to broker ICAP, the Greeks
began to abandon the premium grades of olive oil in favor of normal, while the
Spaniards were eating more butter.
Crisis for Ukrainian is indifferent. As the
director of financial and analytical consulting Priority Consulting Andrew
Kozachenko said, in recent years the share of olive oil in the consumer basket
Ukrainian actively growing. While in the consumption of vegetable oils, its share
is only 1.5%, or 0.07 liters per capita. However, when compared with the figure
in 2006, it increased eight times from 0.01 liters (0.3%) per capita.
Currently olive oil market in Ukraine can be
characterized as stable growing. "In the first quarter of 2012, the volume
of supply over the same period last year increased by 9.6%, which characterizes
the market with the positive side," - said Andrew Kozachenko.
According to Priority Consulting, in 2011
imports of sunflower oil, according to State Statistics Committee, was 3.70
million kg, in 2010 - 3.26 million kg, in 2009 and - 2.62 million kg. For
comparison: in 2006 imports of olive oil amounted to 0.75 million kg in 2007 -
1.44 million kg. According to Priority Consulting, the largest supplier, who
holds positions for many years, is Spain, which owns about 60% market share in
the total supply of olive oil. There is a large share of Greece, which are
about 18-20%, Italy - 14-15%.
If you consider the rate of average annual
consumption of olive oil per person, we can note a very low consumption of this
product in Ukraine in comparison with many European countries. It also forms
the reserves market growth in the upcoming term. Producing countries consume
80% of olive oil: the Greeks - 23.7 kg. per capita per year, Italians - 13.6,
the Spaniards - 13.5, the people of Tunisia - 9.1, Portuguese - 7.1 kg,
Germany, England, Canada - 0.7 kg. While in Ukraine only 0.3 kg.
Thus, the Ukrainian market, in terms of
economic growth and unsaturation segment presents interest to producers of
olive oil.
As the analysts said, annual demand for olive
oil in Ukraine has increased due to the gradual introduction in Ukraine the
culture of consumption of olive oils by means of exhibitions, workshops,
presentations and tastings. Therefore, given the situation on world markets
will not entail a strong reduction of olive oil.
"It is forecast that the impact of the
above factors may affect the price drop to 2-5%, but considering strategies of
world producers in foreign markets the Ukrainian market is characterized by
significant growth potential that will contain lower prices", - says Andrew
"Due to the situation on the world olive
oil market in the future should expect growth as consumption and imports of olive
oil to Ukraine. Far from saturation of the market, plus elite product and price
reductions on it together affect the recovery of demand and increased sales of
the product. And with the growth of the welfare population will grow and the
financial capacity of the market by increasing the benefits of olive oil with
premium and super-premium-segment in the opposite case - will be imported oil
lower price ranges "- predicts Andrew Kozachenko.
ReplyDeleteI have an intesion of selling best quality olive oil to Ukraine..
What is the first step to achieve this??
ReplyDeleteExplore the situation in the market.
And then look for a client or a person, who will do this for you.
ReplyDeleteУ меня есть планы продавать Греческие продукты, особенно Критское оливковое масло в Украине. Качество самое высокое на рынке, ето не вопрос. Вопрос в том как воспринимает Украинский маркет высококачественные Греческие продукты и каким образом их продовать. Моя личная цель это создать фирму (import and wholesale of Greek products) в Киеве. Говорят что в Украине тяжело поработать нормально из за многими причинами. Я лично вижу возможность торговать в Киеве, ведь всё больше и больше Украинцы отдыхают в Греции и знакомятся нашими продуктами и культуры. Был бы рад услышать от вас советы и идеи.
С уважением, Тсаганидис Никос.
email: tsaganidis@hotmail.com
Ответила на почту
DeleteNataliia.. would you please tell me or send to me all of the female owned company's that sell oils in Sumy Ukraine either retail or wholesale