The biggest IT conference in Eastern Europe - iForum 2013

This year iForum attended by more than 7,000 participants. The conference placed their stands more than 50 major Ukrainian and international Internet companies, and was represented by a large number of local start-ups.
iForum brought together top officials IT, including such figures as Anton Nosik (SUP), Igor Ashmanov (AIP), Dmitry Sholomko (Google-Ukraine), Katerina Kostereva (Terrasoft). And also - creators such as Nikita Seltzer (Caramba TV) and Alexei Ametov (Look At Me).

Forum traditionally reflects trends of the Network over the past year and sets the vectors of development for the future. iForum 2013 was no exception.
E-commerce, mobile applications and media market were the main trends of iForum 2013. Trending topics were also about freedom and restrictions on the Internet.
As always, 100% was filled stream of online advertising. Lead of stream Evgeny Shevchenko noted participants' interest in the stability and increase the number of listeners.
On the technological stream rose topic of cloud computing, high-loaded systems and "mobile" development - outlined the future development trends Sergei Korzh, presenter of stream.
The head of the organizing committee Ol'shanskii said that changing the format of iForum was good for the conference, and the following year the organizing committee will move in the same direction.

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